Experiments in Performance Engineering
Hi, I’m Josh. I’m obsessed with making distributed systems faster.
With a background in network engineering, I’ve spent years diving deep into networking, internet protocols, and performance optimization. Back in grad school, my projects often involved pushing Linux networking to its limits—and then analyzing the fallout.
These days, I troubleshoot performance issues in sprawling, multi-vendor, multi-stack environments. On the side, I’m passionate about helping others master Wireshark. And on my own time, I’m in my lab exploring unconventional approaches to performance optimization.
This site is my space to share Wireshark training guides and document the weird, esoteric ideas that keep bouncing around my brain. If you’re into network troubleshooting, distributed systems, or performance optimization, you’re in the right place.
Go ahead and take a look at my posts on the sidebar to the left.
If you want to connect with me, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn and GitHub.